Have you seen me?

Western barbastelle. By C. Robiller / Naturlichter.de - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=37679779

We feel there is a very strong chance there are Barbastelle bats in White Lane. They have been positively identified in other areas of Ash Green.

The western barbastelle (Barbastella barbastellus), also known as the barbastelle or barbastelle bat, is a European bat in the genus Barbastella. This species is found from Portugal to Azerbaijan and from Sweden to Canary Islands, where a sub-species was identified. It has a short nose, small eyes and wide ears. The conservation status of B. barbastellus is assessed as "near threatened", "vulnerable", "critically endangered" or "extinct" in various parts of its range.


We will be conducting a survey to confirm their presence soon. Watch this space!


Great crested newts